michael just turned to me and said that he revels in our obscurity.
no one knows who we are or what we do, and yet we're at the center of things that kings and prophets and drooling evangelicals have longed to see.
i like my husband. he just trimmed his beard and he's reading some crazy futurist book and he's all brainy and weird and funny and has been saved from so much utter shit.
in other news, i wept to some christmas carols tonight on the ol' 1908 out of tune biddle in my living room. the lyrics are absolutely radical and gripping. fall on your knees, you weepingly bad piano player on 33rd avenue, his law is love and his gospel is peace!...let your loving heart enthrone him, for this is where the battle is won and lost, in your heart, in your mind, in you...he breaks the chains...the slave is your brother...this is Christ the King whom shepherds guard, whom angels sing...this is Christ the King. wake up! wake up! arise, shine for your light has come! thick darkness covers the earth, covers the people...but joy to the world, the Lord is come. receive your King. receive your King!