i've been singing my prayers under the blue bridge lately at reed. last night our little band of Jesus reedies sang together to our Jesus, clandestine and ablaze with candles and full moons and an honest desire for Love. Paul talked about his visions lately of "la restoracion", and i remembered riding my bike on the esplanade a few days ago...gave an apple to a homeless vet who didn't have any teeth. neither did he have a sharp implement with which to cut an apple, but he was glad i stopped nonetheless. "la restoracion"--it feels completely ridiculous to talk to God on the esplanade and not offer something to eat to someone who's hungry, even if the attempt completely misses the mark. even if the attempt is also completely ridiculous.
the other morning tracy and i sang under the blue bridge while reedies traversed to class above. i thought about my neighbor who got drunk a few years ago and mowed over our vegetable garden. i thought about how we were just getting ready for harvesting our kale and chard and carrots, onions, snow peas. and then they were gone and the ground was empty for a long while.